DIY Healthy Herbal Mouthwash That Works!


Why should you make your own mouthwash and an herbal mouthwash at that? Is it really worth the effort to even bother? Well yes, yes, it is! And you won’t regret your decision to make this. The herbs in this herbal mouthwash all support the health of your mouth.

They reduce inflammation, swelling, kills bacteria and stops your gums from bleeding.  All this without the dangerous chemicals that are found in commercial mouthwashes.

Several of these herbs you may already have in your spice cabinet. Herbs like peppermint, whole cloves, rosemary, and sea salt many of us have on hand. Plantain (plantago major) is a “weed” that grows in our yards and gardens that is readily available or you can order the dried plant online.

For this mouthwash tincture, you want to use dried plant material. You don’t have to worry about the moisture content of fresh plants and waiting for them to wilt to release their water before you tincture them.

The best reason to make your own herbal mouthwash is you know exactly what is in it and the cost is substantially lower than commercially made mouthwash with all its chemicals.

Herbal Properties

Plantain reduces inflammation and swelling in the gums. Plantain treats infections, heals gum disease and treats mouth ulcers.

Myrrh is good for your gums for reducing swelling and inflammation. Myrrh is antioxidant and antibacterial. It kills bacteria that contribute to bad breath, benefits the gums and stops bleeding.

Peppermint contains high levels of antioxidants, which help prevent swelling, promote healing, and reduce bleeding. Its antibacterial qualities help prevent infection and keep bacterial growth under control.

Rosemary contains calcium an essential mineral because it strengthens enamel, helps prevent tooth decay and can even repair places where acids have damaged teeth. It is antioxidant and anti-inflammatory.

Cloves reduce gum swelling and irritation, stimulate circulation, enhancing gum tissue health, help soothe toothache pain, fight bad breath, and kill bacteria in the mouth.

Celtic sea salt has trace minerals which supports tooth remineralization and healthy gums.

Xylitol is a plant-based sweetener that inhibits the growth of bacteria that cause cavities. The bacteria cannot utilize xylitol to grow so over time with consistent use, the quality of the bacteria in your mouth changes and fewer and fewer decay-causing bacteria survive on tooth surfaces.

Herbal Mouthwash Recipe

This will make one quart of mouthwash tincture. If the tincture is stored in a dark, cool place with a tight lid, this mouthwash lasts for years.


  • 1/2 cup dried peppermint leaves
  • 1/4 cup dried plantain leaves
  • 2 tbsp dried rosemary leaves    crushed or powdered
  • 1 tbs myrrh gum powder
  • 1/4 tsp. crushed cloves
  • 1 tbs Xylitol or to taste (optional)
  • 1 tsp. Celtic sea salt
  • 80 proof Vodka
  • 1 quart mason jar with plastic lid
  • cheesecloth
  • 4 cup measuring cup


  •  Measure out your ingredients into your jar except for the xylitol, add this when your tincture is done.
  •  Pour your vodka or other 80 proof alcohol over the herbs to within an inch of the top of the jar.
  • Be sure you label your jar with the ingredients and the date you expect it to be done.
  • Shake your jar and place it in a closet or on a shelf where you won’t forget about it. Shake it daily or as often as you remember–at least a couple times a week.
  • After four weeks your herbal mouthwash tincture is done.
  • Now you strain the plant material. Take some cheesecloth and drape it over a measuring cup and secure it with a rubber band.
  • Pour the plant material and liquid in the cheesecloth, gather the edges of the cheesecloth up and squeeze all the liquid out.
  • Discard the plant material in the compost.

I like using vodka as the infusing liquid because it’s almost tasteless and the herbs shine. You can also use sweet liquors like bourbon, just remember your taste profile can mask the herbs and you won’t need xylitol because of the liquor’s sweetness.

How To Use

I use a shot glass and fill halfway with water, then add a dropperful of herbal mouthwash to the water. Swish in your mouth then spit out.

The herbs in this herbal mouthwash all support the health of your mouth. They reduce inflammation, swelling, kills bacteria and stops your gums from bleeding.  All this without the dangerous chemicals that are found in commercial mouthwashes. Making your own herbal mouthwash is your best bet to having a healthy mouth.

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