Homemade Herbal Remedies For Your Pets

We use herbal remedies to heal ourselves, why not use them to heal our furry friends! Herbal remedies are a valuable tool in preventing and treating issues that plague many animals. You can maintain your pet’s health with herbs and a natural diet that is specific to the species. A natural diet is the best defense against sickness. If you’re feeding your pet dried foods, it mostly consists of cereals and many trace minerals are absent. This puts your animals at a great disadvantage health-wise.


Homemade Herbal Remedies For Your Pets And Livestock


Herbal Remedies For Dogs

Aloe vera (Aloe barbadensis) applied topically to treats minor burns, scrapes and skin irritations. Aloe has cooling and antibacterial properties. A word of warning, do not let your dog lick or eat aloe as it can cause gastrointestinal problems and toxicity if ingested in large amounts.

Calendula (Calendula officinalis) has antimicrobial and wound-healing properties making it ideal for treating minor cuts, insect bites, abrasions, eczema, and poison ivy. It’s useful on sprains and bruises and as an eyewash for conjunctivitis. Calendula treats inflammation and ulceration of the digestive or urinary tracts. Calendula oil is applied topically and the extract is used internally.

Arnica (Arnica montana) treats everything from sore muscles to bruises and sprains. Arthritis symptoms are alleviated with topical applications of arnica gels and creams. Don’t apply to open wounds as this can cause more bleeding.

Peppermint (Mentha balsamea) helps soothe upset stomachs, reduce gas, reduce nausea and helps with travel sickness. Peppermint contains menthol, a natural decongestant that breaks up mucus and phlegm. Make a strong tea and let it cool. Dosage is a teaspoon of tea 2x a day.

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) has infection-fighting qualities which are anti-tussive and expectorant properties. The herb is useful for raspy, unproductive coughs that are secondary to fungal or bacterial infection. A tincture or strong tea is very useful for mouth infections, apply to the infected area with a swab.

A glycerin tincture or alcohol tincture sweetened with honey serves well for most internal applications. The dosage is a 1/4 teaspoon (1 ml) for every 30 pounds of the dog’s body weight 2x a day.


Homemade Herbal Remedies For Your Pets

Herbal Remedies For Cats

Catnip (Nepeta cataria) relieves cats of stress and nervousness. If the cat is always scratching and seems to have itchy skin, a catnip tea bath can soothe the cat’s skin. Some cats love dried catnip and toys, other cats love the fresh catnip.

Cat thyme (Teucrium marum) has the same soothing effects as catnip with feelings of contentment. Some cats like this herb more than catnip. Watch your cat and see which herb your cat prefers. Cat thyme has a very strong smell which some people dislike.

Calendula (Calendula officinalis) soothes itchy skin, minor wounds, post-surgical incisions, insect bites, minor inflammation, and bruises. Don’t use calendula on wounds that need to drain. This herb has rapid healing properties which can cause the infection to be trapped under the skin. Use it as a cooled tea applied to the area, as a cream or as an infusion.

Licorice root (Glycyrrhiza glabra) is a natural anti-inflammatory to soothe allergies, endocrine issues, digestive issues, and respiratory problems. The anti-inflammatory properties are very helpful for arthritic cats. Licorice root is natural cortisone which is why it’s very helpful in soothing cats with itchy skin, allergies, digestive issues, and respiratory issues.

Applied topically, licorice root alleviates inflammation and other skin conditions. There are several choices like tea compresses, oil infusions, sprays or salves.

Cat’s Claw (Uncaria tormentosa) and dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale) a tincture is made of dandelion root and cat’s claw to assist with itching. It’s especially helpful for cats with allergies. Dandelion root promotes healthy digestion and liver detoxification, while cat’s claw helps modulate the immune system.

Steep 1 tablespoon of each herb in a cup of water for 20 minutes. Let cool. Mix a tablespoon of prepared tea with two tablespoons of bone or chicken broth to increase palatability and serve. Also, dab the cool tea on itchy skin with a gauze pad three to four times daily. Store tea in the refrigerator and discard it after 48 hours.

As you can see, there are many herbs that are safe for pets to assist them in their healing. These also help their human companions as well. So if you’re looking for a more natural way to care for your furry friends, check these herbs out. Remember to always talk with your vet first before starting any herbal program.


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