Why You Should Use Herbs For Smudging

Energy is real and it vibrates at different levels. There are low, heavy vibrations and there are high light vibrations. The high vibrations feel better which makes us feel better when surrounded by them. Smudging is a vital way to clear stuck and low vibration energies. People have been practicing smudging for thousands of years. Burning sacred herbs and resins is perhaps the most time-tested method for energetically cleansing a space, person or object.

While burning your herb of choice energetically state to yourself, or say out loud that whatever you are clearing (people, your crystals, your home, your own energy field) is free of any stagnant, dense energy that does not serve the highest good of yourself and all existence.

The act of smudging

This is done with a smudge bowl or abalone shell with the herbs directly lit or burned on a charcoal tablet. When using charcoal tablets, the bowl or shell should be filled with sand to prevent overheating the container. Smudging is also done with herbs tied in bundles called smudge sticks. The smoke is fanned with a feather over the person or object being cleansed. Make sure you start at a persons head and fan the smoke from their head to their feet, then fan the other side.

Different herbs for smudging

Sage is used to heal or cleanse a space or environment from negative energy. The smoke is used for blessing, cleansing and healing the person or object being smudged. Sage removes negative energies and unwanted influences from the outside world. Smudging with sage is for people, animals, homes, and objects to rid them of unwanted influences. One of the most popular sages is California white sage but there are over 400 species of sage.


Why You Should Use Herbs For Smudging & How To Use Herbs

Cedar smudging is for protection, clearing and removing energies from old items like vintage, rummage sale items or inherited items. Cedar trees are very old, wise and powerful spirits. It is often used to cleanse a home or apartment when first moving in, inviting unwanted spirits to leave and protecting a person, place or object from unwanted influences.


Why You Should Use Herbs For Smudging & How To Use Herbs

Sweet grass is also called Seneca grass, holy grass, and vanilla grass. The smoke from the braided sweet grass attracts good spirits and positive energies. Sweet grass can also be unbraided or trimmed with scissors into small pieces and sprinkled on hot charcoal tablets. Allow the sacred smoke to wash over the person or object of the blessing.

It is used as a smudging tool to purify peoples’ auras, cleanse objects and clear ceremonial areas or healing spaces of negative energy.  Sweet grass can also be carried or worn as a protective amulet by carrying a small piece with you in a pouch.


Why You Should Use Herbs For Smudging & How To Use Herbs

Lavender is often used to attract positive energy and love. It is useful for inducing a state of calm and deep rest. Lavender is a good smudge right before bedtime or during a family gathering when someone brings up religion or politics.


Why You Should Use Herbs For Smudging & How To Use Herbs

Copal is from tree sap from Mexico that is similar to frankincense. When burned it has a crisp, clean, sharp scent that is almost citrus-like. Because copal is the blood of trees, it is offered to honor the enormous gift given to us by all of the tree people of our planet. Using copal to smudge before meditation and ceremony assists in strengthening peace of mind while removing energy blockages from the body. Burning copal is best burnt on charcoal tablets.


Why You Should Use Herbs For Smudging & How To Use Herbs

Frankincense, this tree resin cleanses and protects the soul. Frankincense aids in easing depression and promotes clairvoyance, assisting in removing negative energy from a space, providing protection and creating an elevated spiritual awareness. It is often useful to lift moods, to ease anxiety and stress and for purification. Burning frankincense should be done on charcoal tablets.


Why You Should Use Herbs For Smudging & How To Use Herbs

Myrrh is known for enlightenment, healing, and grounding. It also connects one to the spirit of youth and clears the path of debris that stands in the way of one’s truth. Myrrh increases the power of any incense in which it is added. Its smoke is used to consecrate, purify and bless objects such as amulets, talismans, charms, and magical tools. It aids meditation and contemplation. Burning myrrh is best done on charcoal tablets.


Why You Should Use Herbs For Smudging & How To Use Herbs

The traditional way to smudge is by using a bird’s feather and brushing the smoke over the person or object being blessed. It is important to use the underside of the feather to wash the smoke over the object of blessing. It is the underside of the bird and its wings that face Mother Earth as it flies and it is this surface of the feather that offers the blessing medicine of the bird.

Smudging is a vital way to clear stuck and low vibration energies. Smudging your personal space and your home on a regular basis keeps these energies high. Your surroundings will have a lightness in the air as the heavy energies are moved out.