miracle drink for acid reflux

How many times do we go to bed feeling full or with an upset stomach? This is often a result of stress or eating a heavy meal and its poor digestion may lead to acid reflux, interrupted sleep or heartburn.

There’s a better alternative to over the counter medications, this troublesome issue can be treated naturally and tastes delicious!  The drink is called Golden Milk and there are many variations of this drink. This particular drink is a mixture of coconut milk, ginger, turmeric plus a few other ingredients and it’s extremely beneficial as it treats your symptoms of indigestion, like acid reflux and heartburn, and improves digestion. This drink will also help boost your metabolism and help you lose weight!

What Are the Ingredients Benefits?


coconut oil

Coconut oil is rich in numerous healthy fats and has powerful antimicrobial effects which prevent stomach or digestive problems due to bacteria. The oil boosts metabolism, helping you to burn calories and lose fat. This oil also improves your ability to burn other dietary fats.


turmeric root and powder

Turmeric has strong anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties which reduces problems related to the digestive tract  and stomach.

It heals and soothes the digestive tract, helping with detoxification by stimulating the function of the liver and improving bile flow. This helps improve digestion. Turmeric aids in fat metabolism and weight loss.

Turmeric alleviates pain and fever related to illness. This herb improves blood circulation and relieves arthritis pain due to its anti-inflammatory properties.


whole peppercorns

Black pepper stimulates the absorption of curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric. Curcumin contains potent antiviral, antibacterial, and anticancer properties. Black pepper contains piperine which help our bodies absorb the curcumin found in turmeric.


honey in a jar

Honey improves digestion and soothes any irritation in your digestive system, easing the burning feeling associated with acid reflux. Honey contains important amino acids, enzymes, minerals and vitamins that help with your digestion, soothing the symptoms of heartburn, indigestion and acid reflux.

Honey is a fat-digesting carbohydrate that stimulates the release of insulin and allows tryptophan to enter the brain easily. Tryptophan is what’s in turkey that makes us sleepy.


ginger root

Ginger is very useful for relieving digestive problems such as nausea, loss of appetite, and motion sickness. Ginger has powerful anti-inflammatory properties, which help decrease pain and protect against disease.


Coconut milk is a healthy source of fat and coats your throat alleviating the pain and discomfort from GERD. It contains natural electrolytes and healthy fats, which boost gut health and regulate digestion. The digestion boosting power of coconut milk is rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) that reduce inflammation while also supporting weight loss and muscle growth.


Golden Milk Recipe

Drink this one hour before bedtime. Want to make this drink vegan? Just omit the honey and add stevia or maple syrup instead.


  • saucepan
  • measuring spoons
  • whisk
  • bowl


  • 2 cups coconut milk
  • 1 tbsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp ginger powder
  • 1 tbsp turmeric
  • 1 tbsp organic honey
  • ¼ tsp ground black pepper or 1/8 tsp for a less spicy drink


  • In a bowl, whisk all the ingredients, except for the honey.
  • Mix them well, transfer the mixture to a saucepan and place it over low heat.
  • Cook for 5 minutes and then add the honey.
  •  If you don’t care for a spicy drink, reduce the pepper to 1/8th of a teaspoon.

Golden milk is most effective when taken before bedtime. The warm milk helps to soothe and relax the body, while the turmeric works to reduce inflammation and promote healing. Drinking golden milk before bed can also help improve sleep quality and reduce stress levels.

This delicious and healthy drink is easy to prepare. It soothes your stomach, enhances digestion, prevents acid reflux, helps you sleep and aids in weight loss. Try this is healthy drink, for healing yourself naturally.





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