Anti-inflammation Herbs And How To Use Them


Although inflammation is not easy to deal with, it is actually your body’s autoimmune response to things it finds threatening or dangerous. Inflammation commonly occurs when we are exposed to allergens, chemicals, toxins and other microorganisms.

Since we typically encounter things like this on a daily basis, is it any wonder that most people experience some inflammation in the body from time to time? The problem is that when inflammation becomes chronic, the body can actually end up damaging its own tissues.


tulsi leaves


Holy Basil (Ocimum sanctum) also known as Tulsi, is one of the most sacred plants in India. Holy basil functions as an adaptogen enhancing the body’s natural response to physical and emotional stress. Adaptogenic herbs do not alter mood but rather they help the body function optimally during times of stress.

Imagine being able to tackle stress, anxiety and inflammation with a relaxing cup of tea made with the leaves of holy basil. As an adaptogen with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties holy basil provides all of these benefits. It can even help people with arthritis or fibromyalgia. The chemical compounds in holy basil decrease pain and swelling caused by inflammation while other compounds in the herb lower blood sugar in people with diabetes. Holy basil can be taken as a tea, drink one cup a day.

Anti-inflammation Herbs And How To Use Them

Nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) among its long list of health benefits is its ability to destroy pathogens that cause diseases. One of the components of nutmeg is a compound similar to menthol which has natural pain-relieving characteristics. Just by adding nutmeg as a spice in your cooking, you can reduce associated pain from wounds, injuries, strains and chronic inflammation.

Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, nutmeg is an effective pain reliever. If you suffer from conditions such as chronic pain, rheumatic fever or muscle sprain, then you might want to incorporate nutmeg into your diet in order to relieve the pain. Nutmeg oil is usually applied to the body to soothe aching joints and muscles. Nutmeg can also alleviate swelling.


Anti-inflammation Herbs And How To Use Them
Guggul (Commiphora mukul) is a sticky gum resin from the Mukul tree. What makes guggul so unique are its healing properties, it reduces pain and inflammation caused by arthritis. As a pain-relieving analgesic, guggul is an excellent alternative to non-steroidal-anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) in its ability to relieve pain, skin and other inflammations as well as promoting healing of the underlying cause.
A typical dose of guggul powder is ¼–½ teaspoon, once or twice daily or as directed by your healthcare practitioner. Use guggul powder with water, milk, ghee or honey. This acts as a medium for delivering the herb to its intended destination and enhancing its effect.
Warning: Guggul has blood-thinning properties. Do not use it with other platelet aggregation-reducing medications.

More Anti-inflammation Herbs


Anti-inflammation Herbs And How To Use Them

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) has a wealth of beneficial health effects if regularly added to your diet.  Rosemary contains iron, vitamins A, B6, C, folate, and phosphorus. It also contains salicylic acid the main ingredient in aspirin. This makes rosemary a powerful anti-inflammatory for people who suffer from migraines, arthritis or any other type of inflammation. To reap the benefits of rosemary in treating pain, apply it in the form of oil on the skin once a day until inflammation has subsided.


Anti-inflammation Herbs And How To Use Them
Ginger (Zingiber officinal) for people with arthritis, its anti-inflammatory properties are of particular benefit. Ginger contains anti-inflammatory compounds that function in the same way as COX-2 inhibitors. Gingerol is the main bioactive compound in ginger, responsible for much of its medicinal properties. It has powerful anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Ginger can be taken fresh, dried as a spice, lozenges or as a tincture.
Inflammation and pain can be treated naturally and effectively with herbs. Using herbs lessens the chemical bombardment your body receives on a daily basis.
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