Do You Want Plant Support In The Ascension Process?

Table of Contents

Plants have an innate wisdom and affinity for helping humans heal on many levels with their medicine. Since ancient times, plants have supported our spiritual, emotional and physical health.

Wise women and men understand that all herbs have consciousness. They will communicate with you, offering their wisdom if you pay attention to them. They are here to offer support, healing, and protection as we move through the ascension process.

What Is Ascension?

This is the process all of us are going through as we transition from being only focused on the physical 3D being into full awareness of our spiritual nature, power and light. You are aligning with your higher consciousness and with Source, God, Spirit or another name of your choosing. Ascension happens gradually as you accelerate to new higher vibrational energies and your awareness expands creating a shift in your consciousness.

Herbal Allies Help With Ascension

Ascension is tough; it affects our bodies, minds and souls, there is a lot of baggage we need to shift and let go of to be able to ascend. These plants are able to help you do just that.


Do You Want Plant Support In The Ascension Process?

Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) is a powerful psychic herb with the unique ability to induce visionary states. This plant brings clarity and develops or deepens your psychic abilities. She can transmute many types of toxic energies and release any negative entities from your energy field and body. *Mugwort is best taken as an herbal infusion (strong tea) before bed. Burning mugwort is another way to encourage consciousness altering states such as dream work and astral projection.

*If drinking as a tea, do not take the tea for more than 1 week. Take a break for a week before drinking mugwort again. Don’t drink if pregnant or breastfeeding.


Do You Want Plant Support In The Ascension Process?

Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) is an excellent herb for spiritual protection, heightening your psychic senses and your intuition. Inhaling the pleasant aroma or drinking a lavender infusion calms your nervous system and relaxes your body allowing you to reach deeper meditations and have richer spiritual connections. Lavender is a gentle but protective herb, encouraging compassion, emotional well being, and tranquility.


Do You Want Plant Support In The Ascension Process?

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla) is a pleasant tasting herb that lets you relax, allowing your energy to become more receptive. This is why so many people drink chamomile tea in the evening, they are preparing their body for relaxation. She helps you lower your guard so you can attract abundance into your life and go with the flow of life. Drinking chamomile tea prepares you for meditation and helps recall past life knowledge.


Do You Want Plant Support In The Ascension Process?

Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is an herb that brings healing activating your unique inherent healing abilities. This herb is energetically warming with an affinity for moving stagnation through and from your multi body system. If you are stuck telling yourself the same old story, caught up in blame or guilt this herb is very healing helping you release these feelings and move to a higher vibration.

Drinking calendula tea also opens your creativity and clarity empowering you to be a powerful healer. This tea repairs your aura and brings energetic protection.


Do You Want Plant Support In The Ascension Process?

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) the herb of remembrance, improves your concentration and boosts your mood while decreasing anxiety. This makes rosemary infusion an excellent drink instead of coffee in the morning to reduce stress and increase alertness for your day.

This is a highly protective plant, cleansing your aura, clearing out unwanted thoughts, removing negativity and raising your vibration. It’s often burnt as incense to ward off negative energy from entering a space and also used as a smudging herb to remove negative energies that are already there.


Do You Want Plant Support In The Ascension Process?

Nettle (Urtica dioica) has a nurturing, caring energy, she teaches you how to take painful life experiences and turn them into personal growth and change. She strengthens your emotions so you can use them to manifest change in your life. Drinking nettle infusion also helps you release lingering doubts and stress, giving you courage and showing you your own worth. If you feel stuck in a rut, this will also help you open up any limited ways of thinking. Drinking nettle infusion protects you energetically as you refuel and recharge your body and your mind.


Do You Want Plant Support In The Ascension Process?

Rose (Rosa spp.) is a plant for the heart, this spiritual flower truly opens your heart drawing in compassion, healing, understanding and love. It infuses every encounter with compassion and generosity and forges connections from the heart.

Drinking rose tea lifts your spirits with its wonderful heady scent. The smell fills you with love and compassion towards yourself and others. The words you speak and all your communications will be uplifting and healing as you are now aware of your language. Rose tea vibrates on a very high vibration encompassing you in peace and tranquility.


Do You Want Plant Support In The Ascension Process?

Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) is revered throughout India as a true spiritual medicine. Tulsi also known as Holy Basil is often referred to as The Elixir of Life. This herb is revered throughout the world and is considered an extremely potent healer for its powerful balancing effect within the chakra system. She opens up the energy body to a healthy flow of energy.

Tulsi infusion heightens your awareness and clears your mind of clutter, calming your body so you can easily enter higher levels of consciousness. Drinking this infusion in the morning helps you feel balanced for the rest of the day.


Do You Want Plant Support In The Ascension Process?

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) is all about communication, empowerment and speaking your truth no matter how difficult it may be. Thyme is associated with the throat chakra and drinking a thyme infusion is wonderful for clearing out any energy blocks you may hold there.

Thyme infusion opens up communication, which helps people become eloquent, speak and write with purpose and passion. It’s especially helpful for people who find it hard to express themselves.

What Do You Think?

The Universe always has your best interests in mind and always has your back. Even when you feel like you are in the depths of darkness, a dark night of the soul with what feels like no way out, these herbal infusions will bring you to it and through it. I know this as truth because these herbs have done this for me and I am forever grateful.