3 Reliable Healing Herbal Teas

The plant world is full of healing plants with astonishing health benefits. Herbal teas are a fantastic way to combine the synergistic qualities of different plant allies to help you heal, relax or enjoy your day. Herbal tea making is a ritual in and of itself. The quiet ritual of preparing and sipping a cup of tea is a wonderfully healing, relaxing and peaceful practice.

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Spicy Healing Tea

The plants in this healing tea help reduce inflammation, flush parasites from your body, help regulate blood glucose, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.


  • ½ tsp powdered ginger
  • ½ tsp powdered cinnamon
  • ½ tsp powdered turmeric
  • 1 tsp coconut oil
  • 1 tsp honey


  • Mix all ingredients to a paste in a mug, then add hot water and stir thoroughly.
  •  If you don’t want to wait for it to cool to a drinkable temperature leave space in the mug to add a couple of ice cubes.
  • Limit consumption to two drinks per day.


What Are the Herbs In the Healing Teas?


3 Reliable Healing Herbal Teas

Ginger is useful for treating digestive problems and inflammatory diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis. The anti-inflammatory effects of ginger also help in the treatment of cardiovascular disease. More recently, it has been shown to inhibit growth of some types of cancer cells.


3 Reliable Healing Herbal Teas

Cinnamon not only smells and tastes delicious in a variety of foods, it’s also great for helping the body regulate blood sugar and helping to lower levels of LDL cholesterol. High LDL levels are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular disease. Certain polyphenol compounds found in cinnamon have antioxidant properties, reducing oxidative stress on the blood vessels and further reducing risk of cardiovascular disease.


3 Reliable Healing Herbal Teas

Turmeric gains its distinctive golden-yellow hue from the compound curcumin. It’s this compound that’s responsible for turmeric’s antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties. There is evidence to suggest that turmeric can reduce the risk of cancer, both by reducing oxidative stress on the body which can damage DNA and by inducing cell death in cancer cells.


3 Reliable Healing Herbal Teas

Coconut oil contains medium chain saturated fatty acids, which when consumed flush out internal parasites. The purpose of including coconut oil here, is to aid absorption of turmeric. The required compounds have a low absorption in the human body and certain types of fat help to increase absorption.

If you don’t have or can’t use coconut oil due to allergies, try another cold pressed oil such as extra virgin olive oil or hemp seed oil.

3 Reliable Healing Herbal Teas

Honey provides a bit of sweetness along with a host of health benefits. It has anti-bacterial properties, which makes it a natural weapon against bacterial infections. Honey is in cough mixes because it soothes your throat while reducing coughing. It also acts as an antioxidant, lowering the risk of diseases associated with oxidative stress.

This healing tea helps reduce inflammation in your body and helps regulate blood glucose. There are many antioxidants in this tea that helps your body heal.


Ginger Tea

Ginger stimulates your appetite by getting the digestive juices revved up and helps improve the absorption of essential nutrients in your body. This tea warms you up so its great when you are feeling under the weather as it clears your sinuses and settles an upset stomach.



  • Put the ginger root slices in a pot with the water.
  • Cover the pot so it traps the essential oils in the tea.
  • Bring to a boil for at least 10 minutes. For a stronger and tangier tea, allow to boil for 20 minutes or more, and use more slices of ginger.
  • Remove pot from the heat, strain into mugs, and add honey to taste.

Turmeric Tea

A simple blend of turmeric, lemon juice, honey, and black pepper. This antioxidant powerhouse will give you an immunity boost any time of the year.


  • 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 2 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 2 cups water
  • 2 teaspoon raw honey


  • In a small pot, add water, turmeric, lemon juice, and black pepper. Whisk together and heat over high heat.
  • When the tea just starts to boil, cover and turn the heat down to low and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Once the tea is finished simmering, turn off the heat, add the honey, and let the tea cool for a minute or two.

These teas are easy to prepare with ingredients you may already have in your pantry. The teas are good any time of the year and when you start to feel ill, it’s comforting to indulge in the ritual of tea making.