Medicinal Plants To Protect Body Mind And Spirit


Have you ever thought of medicinal plants being able to protect your body mind and spirit? Teas and herbal infusions have always held spiritual energy. Actually all herbs and plants have energy, they are sentient, alive beings. Taking time to make a soothing cup of herbal tea, you are allowing yourself to go within. You soften your thoughts and begin to hear the voice of your intuition.

If you want to gain all the spiritual benefits that a healing herbal infusion has to offer, you need to take some time in preparing it. Just sticking a tea bag in hot water is not really tea. A good tea is made with intention and focus. To make the best tea, use a teapot or a cup with a lid such as a small saucer. Doing this lets the essential oils condense back into the liquid. Brew teas for at least 5 minutes and herbal infusions for 4-8 hours.

Spiritual Properties of Medicinal Plants, Herbs and Teas


Medicinal Plants To Protect Body Mind And Spirit

Calendula (Calendula officinalis) is a powerful spiritual herb that brings healing as well as activating your innate healing abilities. Drinking tea made from the flowers clears the aura of trauma fields and unwanted energetic attachments. This tea repairs your aura and brings energetic protection. Calendula isolates and quarantines what doesn’t belong. It offers us an opportunity to move that which has stagnated in our lives and helps us warm and dry the emotional-energetic pools we’ve ignored.


Medicinal Plants To Protect Body Mind And Spirit

Chamomile (Matricaria recutita) helps attract abundance. This pleasant tasting spiritual herb relaxes your energy, allowing you to become receptive. The Universe and God always have your best interests in mind. If things seem challenging, it is for one of two reasons. You are trying to go in a different direction than where you are truly being guided or you are unwilling to receive help and support along the way. When you drink chamomile, you let down your guard and let in the healing love of God and the Universe. Chamomile is an herb of purification and protection and used in incense for sleep and meditation.


Medicinal Plants To Protect Body Mind And Spirit

Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) brings clarity and solutions to difficult situations. It allows our spirit to soar and allows our minds to be focused and functional, keeping us grounded. On an energetic level, it gives you praise and approval. You may focus more on helping others rather than devoting time to yourself. Drinking this spiritually enhancing infusion, you remember that it’s okay to have a rest every now and then. You can relax, take a day off and just enjoy life.


Medicinal Plants To Protect Body Mind And Spirit

Ginger (Zingiber officinale) releases anger and frustration. It helps you let go of resentment and jealousy, bringing you to a place of contentment and balance. It provides one the courage to break out of apprehension and allows spirituality to soar free and high. The heat of ginger revs up the energy associated with your work and allows you to prosper.


Medicinal Plants To Protect Body Mind And Spirit

Hibiscus (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) allows you to accept your sensitive side. Being sensitive isn’t a weakness, it’s an asset! Picking up on the subtle energies around you, lets you know much more easily when you should move on. This spiritual plant brings you and your loved ones together as it heals past wounds and promotes forgiveness.

This plant is excellent for creative visualization and stimulating the imagination. Hibiscus tea helps us to come into vibrational alignment with what we desire. Awakening us to aspects of knowledge and the wisdom of our core essence, allowing us to lighten up and experience more joy and laughter. It promotes a knowing that all is well.


Medicinal Plants To Protect Body Mind And Spirit

Lavender (Lavendula agustifolia) is a spiritually rejuvenating herb that relaxes your mind and quiets the ego voice. It is beneficial before meditation because it resonates with the third-eye chakra which is your center of clairvoyance. This summons psychic visions and intuitive insights. Lavender brings a deeper spiritual experience.


Medicinal Plants To Protect Body Mind And Spirit

Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) is a spiritual herb that wards off distractions and procrastination. If you are struggling to get something done and finding many excuses not to do it, then you need lemongrass tea! It brings you clarity of purpose so you can get to work. It also shows you the tremendous benefit that completing this task will serve both you and others. Lemongrass sharpens your focus and stops people from interrupting your important job.

Lemongrass brings calm and helps center a person with the simplicity of forgiving ourselves and others. It teaches us the delicate balance of forgive and forget. Once we realize that we are who we are and all choices have been made by us, the Universe will uplift our spirit. Then we are able to see that freedom of choice is only one of the many gifts the Universe has given us.


Medicinal Plants To Protect Body Mind And Spirit

Nettle (Urtica diotica) is great for when you feel worn-out and drained. It is a highly nutritious infusion that supports your body physically. It provides energetic protection, giving you time to recharge. As your body and mind recharge, you learn new ways to handle situations that come to you intuitively. By understanding the lessons involved in your current situation, you won’t have to repeat them. Nettles make you think about what’s going on in your life.


Medicinal Plants To Protect Body Mind And Spirit

Peppermint (Mentha piperita) is a common but powerful spiritual plant that helps motivate and inspire you. It brings you new creative ideas on how to achieve your dreams. This herb raises your spirit to a fuller understanding and appreciation of the mysteries that eventually fully unfold to you. Peppermint increases awareness, perception, and sensitivity. Peppermint brings alertness even in the dream state, this is so we can remember and take in the wisdom of other worlds.

It clears and balances the sacral and solar plexus chakras, lending you confidence and self-esteem. And it stimulates, soothes, uplifts and calms.


Medicinal Plants To Protect Body Mind And Spirit

Rose (Rosa) tea is an ancient, sacred spiritual herb that opens your heart. Attracting compassion, understanding, healing, and love. This tea brings you inner peace and compassion, helping you overcome dependency and attachment. You are able to let go of the past, grief, and regrets.

When drinking this tea, you become very aware of your language. Every word you speak has the essence of love attached to it. All your communications will be uplifting and centered around healing. You’ll find that you have no time for gossip or negativity. You become an inspiration to those around you, making people around you wonder why you are so peaceful.


Medicinal Plants To Protect Body Mind And Spirit

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) tea has an affinity for the head. It clears away unwanted thoughts, lifts negative thinking in favor of a positive attitude and assists with concentration. Rosemary resonates with the third-eye chakra and releases pressure surrounding your spiritual path, making it a great spiritual herb to keep on hand. Allow yourself to enjoy this wonderful journey and don’t put unnecessary deadlines in place.

Drink rosemary tea to rid yourself of negative energy and increase creativity. Rosemary helps the spirit to receive assistance on the spiritual highway. It helps us remember who and what we are. We are always spiritual beings. Rosemary assists with inner strength, self-confidence, protection, and purification. 

Medicinal Plants To Protect Body Mind And Spirit

Saffron (Crocus sativus) is a very powerful spiritually activating tea. Add five to ten good quality saffron threads to a cup of boiling water and cover. Allow to steep for a minimum of ten minutes so the saffron fully infuses the water.

Saffron unlocks the mysteries of the Universe, allowing you to learn deep, esoteric concepts. It awakens and clears all your energy centers and connects you to God, making it an essential spiritual herb for the seeker.


Medicinal Plants To Protect Body Mind And Spirit

Thyme (Thymus vulgaris) tea opens up your centers of communication and resonates with the throat chakra to help you speak and write with passion and purpose. If you’re finding it difficult to express yourself, try this tea. The tea reveals the truth and balances the mind and spirit.

All spiritual herbs have a healing influence and when you take a tea, it brings through the energy and vibration of the spiritual plant.

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