Herbal Remedies For Heart Palpitations

Heart palpitations cause a sensation of a pounding heart or a racing pulse. Palpitations can also feel like a fluttering feeling in the chest or like the heart has skipped a beat. The palpitations may last for only a few seconds and can occur at any time. This includes when you’re moving around, sitting, lying down or standing still.

Try Relaxation Techniques

Lifestyle factors can cause heart palpitations. Stress and excitement make your adrenaline spike and that can trigger or worsen heart palpitations. Managing your stress through relaxation can help. Good options include meditation, deep breathing, tai chi, and yoga.


Hawthorn (Crataegus oxycantha) is one of the best herbs for the heart. It strengthens and protects the cardiovascular system, especially the heart muscle. It has the ability to regulate the electrical activity of the heart, thus making it very useful for treating heart palpitations. Hawthorn is taken in supplement form.

When taking hawthorn for heart palpitations, you shouldn’t expect any improvement during the first week. But you could expect a gradual decrease in both the frequency and severity of palpitations over the next couple of weeks.

Motherwort (Leonurus cardiaca) has a relaxing effect on the smooth muscles and nerves. That is why it is often used to treat arrhythmias and heart palpitations. Motherwort should be taken for long periods of time to get the best results. For best results use a tincture or capsule.

Lavender ( Lavendula angustifolia) when it comes to relieving anxiety, lavender is both gentle and effective. It is also helpful for nervous tension, irritability, and restlessness associated with stress.

Gingko Biloba (Gingko) improves blood circulation, treats arteriosclerosis and lowers blood pressure. This herb is useful in lowering the risk of atherosclerosis, thrombosis and heart attack because it helps remove plaque from the arteries, neutralize free radicals and prevent oxidation of LDL cholesterol. The leaves protect the heart and blood vessels from damage. The leaf extract has been proven to dilate vessels and this leads to increased blood flow in the body.

Passionflower (Passiflora incarnata) helps ease muscle tension associated with stress or anxiety. It is especially useful to comfort a worried mind and quiet excessive mental chatter. This goes a long way in alleviating heart palpitations associated with an overactive or worried mind.

Cayenne (Capsicum annuum) treats a variety of health conditions such as poor circulation by improving blood flow, cholesterol values and detoxifying the bloodstream. It strengthens the heart, even stopping heart attacks in progress. Cayenne also increases blood flow and cleans arterial wall plaque while rebuilding red blood cells.

Garlic (Allium sativum) is one of the heart disease herbs which are most useful for lowering triglycerides and LDL cholesterol. Garlic reduces the risk of bacterial heart disease and lowers blood pressure since it is a natural antibiotic and blood thinner.

Valerian (Valeriana officinalis) relaxes feelings of anxiety and heart palpitations. Sometimes, heart palpitations are miscommunication between the heart and the brain. Valerian shocks the heart nerves, which results in the restoration of a normal heartbeat. Valerian works best for those with mild cases of irregular heartbeat.

Relaxation activities along with herbs help lessen heart palpitations by lowering stress and reducing adrenaline spikes. Participating in regular relaxation activities can keep stress under control and decrease heart palpitations.

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